Current News
CIT and IT Tralee submit application to become Munster Technological University
Feb 13, 2019

Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and the Institute of Technology Tralee (ITT) have submitted a formal application to the Minister for Education and Skills to seek designation as the Munster Technological University (MTU).
The application will be considered in accordance with criteria established under the Technological Universities Act 2018. The HEA will now invite an independent expert international advisory panel to evaluate the application including site visits to Cork and Tralee and meeting with relevant stakeholder groups. The HEA will then consider the advisory panel’s report and make a recommendation to the Minister for Education and Skills, who will then take the final decision on designation. This decision is likely to be made in the second quarter of 2019.
CIT and ITT have been working towards achieving Technological University designation and the creation of MTU since 2013. Both Institutes are committed to achieving Technological University designation.
Lionel Alexander, Chair of the Governing Body at IT Tralee said: “The submission of our application for TU designation represents a significant milestone for both institutions and all those involved, whose hard work and commitment over the last five years has brought the project to this juncture”. Bob Savage, Chair of the Governing Body at CIT added: ”As the Chairs of the respective Governing Bodies we are proud of both institutes histories to date and of our people; staff, students and stakeholders. Together, we now look forward to the future and the creation of MTU and the considerable benefits to staff, students, citizens and economy of the region”.
Dr Oliver Murphy, President of IT Tralee stated: “The formal submission to the Department of Education and Skills is a key landmark on our journey to designation as a TU. The MTU will serve as a catalyst for the future development of the region. MTU will be a centre of excellence in education, research and engagement. Supporting entrepreneurial activity will be central to the MTU mission and this focus on entrepreneurship will open a world of opportunities for all our stakeholders”.¿¿
Dr Barry O’Connor, President of CIT, added: “Our submission envisions a Technological University with a national and international profile, providing profession-focused programmes of education and training, along with leading-edge multi-disciplinary research together with national and international partners. Partnering with industry, community and the arts, MTU will seek out dynamic cross-sectoral relationships with its stakeholders. MTU will continue to invest in the future with state-of-the-art research, education, enterprise, cultural and sports facilities”.¿
Resources and structures have been put in place to successfully deliver the programme of change required to make the MTU a reality and the project has received dedicated funding from the HEA to facilitate this work. Subject to a favourable outcome to the application process, it is envisaged that the first students should be enrolling in the MTU in academic year 2019/2020.