This interactive and collaborative forum is a resource for students and staff internal and external to our inclusive MTU community. We are dedicated to ensuring through the application of Universal Design principles that MTU is a university for all. Diversity and inclusion at MTU is about a culture that is committed to creating space where difference sits side by side in a safe space where we recognise and interact with the tensions without avoidance or fear to address challenges. MTU is a university where no individual will be forced to by our culture or infrastructure to fit into anothers space. To make this a reality beyond words MTU works in partnership with students and staff to be an informed continually growing university. Teaching and learning is at the core of MTU experience for students and staff, we are all here to learn and grow. MTU is committed to every student experiencing an educational journey of excellence and self-attainment. We are committed to student success and supporting students to reach their full potential and flourish in all aspects of their development while at our university. We know from listening to our students and graduates that the passion, motivation and expertise of our staff team is what best supports the positive experience of students and our graduates continued success in the working global world. This forum seeks to value the scholarship of teaching and learning and student partnership and engagement practices and to continue to enhance all of our practice by showcasing and sharing our knowledge and our experiences.
Ms. Aileen Kennedy - Assistant Registrar and Head of Student Engagement.
Aileen Kennedy,
Office of Vice President Academic Affairs and Registrar,
Munster Technological University, Kerry Campus, Tralee, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 66 7191692
Email: aileen.kennedy@mtu.ie
Kerina O Ciardubhain,
Administrator, Teaching and Learning, Office of Vice President Academic Affairs and Registrar,
Munster Technological University, Kerry Campus, Tralee, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 66 7191985
Email: kerina.ociardubhain@mtu.ie
Margaret Finch,
Munster Technological University, Kerry Campus, Tralee, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 66 7191662
Email: margaret.finch@mtu.ie