Contact Details:
MTU Kerry Campus,
School of Health and Social Science,
North Campus,
Tel: +353 66 719 1902
Editorial Role
Extern Examiner at
Brogan K, Adriaenssens J and Kelly H, On-line Language Learning and Cultural Preparation for Emergency Services, Elia, no.15 (conference proceedings), 2015
Allgäuer-Hackl E, Brogan K, Henning U, Hufeisen B and Schlabach J, “MehrSprachen? – PlurCur!“ published by Schneider, Baltmannsweiler;, 2015
Brogan K, Kelly H and Ó Laoire M, “Foreign Language Learning as Intercultural Experience: The Subjective Dimension”, In Witte, Arnd / Harden, Theo (eds) Foreign Language Learning as Intercultural Experience, Peter Lang, Oxford, Vol 16;, 2015
Brogan K, Adriaenssens J and Kelly H, "Please try to stay calm, the doctor is coming - VOCAL-Medical: A language and cultural tool for staff in the medical sector”, ICT for language learning, Florence, Italy, November 2014 (conference proceedings);, 2014
Brogan K, Kelly H and Ó Laoire M, “Intercultural awareness and sociolinguistic competence and their impact on students’ second language acquisition in a study abroad context”; on-line publication of proceedings of ICC conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013,
Brogan K and Ó Laoire M, "Intercultural Learning in a Study Abroad Context" published by Peter Lang in Intercultural Competence - Concepts, Challenges, Evaluations (Conference proceedings),; 2011
Brogan K and Walsh R, “VOCAL – an online Language and Cultural Preparation Module” published in: Home & Away Forum, Conference Proceeding; Mart Achten, Ilse op de Beeck, Wim Van Petegem (editors), Publisher: EuroPACE ivzw, 2011
Brogan K and Ó Laoire M, “Irish learners of German as L3: Self-knowledge, linguistic and intercultural developments during the study abroad period” in proceedings of EDULEARN10 Conference: Barcelona, Spain, 2010
Brogan K and Ó Laoire M, “Insights into Language Proficiency Development and Intercultural Learning during the Year Abroad” published in: Advances in Higher Education Journal, volume 3, number 1, 2010
Brogan K and Walsh R, “Optimising student work placement abroad with VOCAL on-line language learning and cultural materials” published in: Advances in Higher Education Journal, volume 2, number 1, 2009
Brogan K and Walsh R, “The Vocal project” features on the following website of the Space BS Network as an online article, 2009
Brogan K and Walsh R, "Language Skills and Cultural Competence in Vocational Education" published in: Intercultural Encounters in the Classroom. Germanistik in Ireland, volume 4, 2009
Brogan K, "On-line Language Teaching in the EU-Project "Problem SOLVE" published in: Newby, D. and Penz, H., Languages for Social Cohesion. Council of Europe Publishing;, 2009
Brogan K, article published by Léargas about the “LdV Vocal project” in the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue booklet, 2008
Brogan K and Walsh R, article about the “IoTs Language network” published in LIN newsletter (Learning Innovation Network), December 2008
Brogan K and Walsh R, article about the “IoTs Language network” published in the Real Newsletter, September 2008
Brogan K and Ó Laoire M, “LdV language projects” conference proceedings published in 2007 on website from presentation on at Multilingualism across Europe conference in the European Academy Bolzano, Italy, August 2006
Brogan K et al,“Quality management of foreign language teaching at higher education institutions within the European framework”, material collection of Lingua 2 project, Dougavtils Universitates Akademiskais Apgads, Saule, March 2007
Brogan K, “Problem Solve” paper in German published by Russian University: (Sammelband „Interkulturelle Kompetenz“der Karelischen Pädagogischen Universität), September 2006
Brogan K, “Problem Solve” paper at the IAM conference published in CD-Rom version;, September 2006
Brogan K, “Problem Solve” paper at the Vilnius conference published in “Innovation and Tradition in Contemporary Language Studies”, Vilnius University Press, Lithuania, 2005
Brogan K and Smith M, “Problem Solve” paper at the ASET conference published in its conference book “Integrating Work & Learning: Partnerships for Placement”, Cambridge, 2005
Brogan K, paper presented on behalf of the International Office of ITT at international symposium “Lernort Europa” – publication by the German government in 2004
Further examples of funding by the EU Commission and the Council of Europe (ECML)
Participation in the ECML closing conference of the 4th ECML programme (2012-2015) “Learning through Languages”, Graz, Austria, December 2015. The event was funded by the Council of Europe;
Participation in the ELC (European Language Council) forum 2014: Which language policy for Europe? Brussels, Belgium, December 2014,
Invitation by the EU Commission to participate in the EU Commission EDL – European Day of Languages conference. Florence, Italy, September 2014,
Participation in the ECML closing conference of the 3rd ECML programme (2008-2011) Empowering Language Professionals, Graz, Austria, September 2011. The event was funded by the Council of Europe;
Participation at the REAL - Language Teachers Association – launch - CIEP, Paris, Nov 2011 - The participation was funded by the REAL association and included an invitation to the round table discussion on behalf of the ATLTGI. The theme was: "What role should language teacher associations play in Europe?";
FORLANG seminar, in-service training, funded by the EU Commission, CIEP, Paris, France, November 2010
Participant as Irish representative of the DES in the EU Commission working groups Languages for Jobs and Languages in Education & Training, 2010 - 2014
The national agency Léargas organised a Leonardo da Vinci contact seminar Tools for QA in VET, funded by the EU Commission, Hameenlinna, Finland, June 2010
Attendance of Grundtvig workshop about “Next level project management in view of gender and intercultural awareness”. The workshop was funded by the EU Commission. Passau, Germany, September 2009
DE-VOLLution Workshop, ECML, funded by the Council of Europe, Graz, February 2009;
REAL Seminar - European Language Network, funded by the EU Commission, CIEP, Paris, France, September 2008
Participation in the ECML conference “Languages for social cohesion – language education in a multilingual and multicultural Europe” in September 2007. The event was funded by the Council of Europe;
I also was funded by Léargas for my participation in a Lingua contact seminar, with a presentation about ITT. Prague, Czech Republic, May 2005
I received funding as representative of the Irish Department of Education and Science in an international workshop in the ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages) in Graz, Austria. The workshop was called “Meanings Beyond Words” in September 2004. The event was funded by the Council of Europe;
Three ITT staff exchanges to Germany and one to Latvia were funded by the Erasmus programme.
For my two presentations at the EDULEARN 10, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010 I received funding from the Institutes of Technology Ireland’s Flexible Learning project, Addressing the Needs of the Knowledge Economy.
Throughout my employment at the ITT I have taken a keen interest in the promotion of languages, starting from organizing and chairing language meetings in order to design a Language Policy at ITT through participating in as many conferences, seminars or workshops on language matters at a national & international level. I have been founder and co-founder of two Language Associations in Ireland.
Relevant websites:
“Vocal-medical: On-line language learning and cultural preparation for emergency services” paper at the ICERI conference, Seville, Spain, November 2015;
“The Stay Abroad Experience: A Study of the Development of Components of Proficiency and Cultural Learning during the Year Abroad” paper at the ICERI conference, Seville, Spain, November 2015;
“The Stay Abroad Experience: A Study of possible transformation of attitudes and identity while being abroad” paper at ICC workshop: Diversity in Practice, CIC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2015;
“The Stay Abroad Experience: A Study of the Development of Components of Proficiency and Cultural Learning during the Year Abroad” paper at the XII ELIA conference, Seville, Spain; July 2015;
“Vocal-medical: On-line language learning and cultural preparation for emergency services” paper at the XII ELIA conference, Seville, Spain; July 2015;
“VOCAL-Medical: A language and cultural tool for staff in the medical sector” paper at the Pixel conference: ICT for language learning, Florence, Italy, November 2014;
“Argumente für Deutsch (Beispiel Irland)” paper at the IDT 2013 (International Tagung für und Deutschlehrer - International conference for German teachers of all educational levels), Bolzano, Italy, August 2013;
“Intercultural awareness and sociolinguistic competence and their impact on students’ second language acquisition in a study abroad context” paper with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire and Helen Kelly at the ICC 20th annual Conference, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, March 2013;
“Intercultural Learning in An Academic Mobility Context” paper presented with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire and Helen Kelly at ILinC 2012 Conference, Queen’s University, Belfast, November 2012;
“Intercultural Learning in An Academic Mobility Context” paper presented with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire and Helen Kelly at ICAMM3 Conference, UPM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2012;©ownerid=32428
“E-TALIA: an example of cooperation between employers & higher education institutions” paper at the 23rd SPACE Conference, Mikkeli, Finland, May 2012;
“Languages for Jobs - EU Commission working group” paper at the CELAN Project workshop, 22nd SPACE conference, Mechelen, Belgium, April 2011;
“The case study of the IoTs Languages Strategy Network” presentation at the EU Commission working group Languages for Jobs, Bruxelles, Belgium, November 2010
“Insights into language proficiency development and intercultural learning during the year abroad” paper presented together with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire, 21st Space conference, Kavala, Greece, October 2010;
“Optimising Virtual Learning Environments supporting on-line Language Learning and Cultural Preparation for Residence Abroad” paper presented together with Dr. Riana Walsh, EDULEARN 10, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010;
"Irish Learners of German as L3: Self-Knowledge, Linguistic and Intercultural Developments during the Study Abroad Period" paper presented together with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire, EDULEARN 10, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010;
“The influence of L3 on L2 in proficiency and intercultural developments during the year abroad” paper presented together with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire, 4th LKPA Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 2010;
Workshop about the e-Talia EU project and a workshop about the EU Commission working group "Languages for Jobs" at the Space Network annual conference in Mechelen, Belgium, April 2010;
Presentation on “The influence of L2 on L3 in proficiency and intercultural developments during the year abroad” together with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire at the 6th IAM conference (Sixth International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism), Bolzano, Italy, September 2009;
“LdV project Vocal” presentation in German together with Angela Wittkamp at the DAAD Erasmus conference, Marburg, Germany, September 2009
“LdV project Vocal” presentation in German and another presentation in German on “Irish Erasmus students and their Study Abroad” at the IDT 2009 (International Tagung für und Deutschlehrer - International conference for German teachers of all educational levels), Jena, Germany, August 2009;
“Vocal LdV project” presentation and workshop together with Dr. Riana Walsh at the 20th SPACE Annual General Meeting & Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, April 2009;
“Vocal” poster presentation together with Dr. Riana Walsh, Dr. Matt Smith and Daniel McSweeney, LIN Conference (Learning Innovation Network), Athlone, October 2008
“On-line Language Learning in a Vocational Context” presentation at the Language as a Pathway to a Multilingual Europe conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 2008
“EU projects” presentation and Chair of language workshop, DISC and FINNECVET Seminars, Espoo, Finland, April 2008
“On-line Language Teaching and EU projects” presentation at the ECML (European Centre of Modern Languages) conference, Graz, Austria, September 2007;
“On-line Language Teaching and EU projects" presentation, Pixel conference: ICT for Language Learning, Florence, Italy, September 2007;
“LdV language projects” presentation at Multilingualism across Europe conference in the European Academy Bolzano, Italy, August 2006
“Problem Solve” presentation at Görlitzer Tage der Berufsausbilder, Görlitz, Germany, April 2006
“Problem Solve” presentation at the first partner meeting of the Ready, Study, Go LdV project in Finland, November 2005
“Problem Solve” presentation at IAM (Fourth International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism), Freiburg University, Switzerland, September 2005;
“Problem Solve” presentation in German at IDT (International Tagung für Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer - International conference for German teachers of all educational levels), University Graz, Austria, August 200;
“Quality Assurance within the Leonardo Programme” paper presented on behalf of the ITT international office at an international seminar about Quality Assurance for placements, Tuusulanjarvi College, Finland, March 2005
“Problem Solve” – Leonardo EU project for vocational training paper presented at international conference Innovation and Tradition in Contemporary Language Studies, Vilnius University, Lithuania, September 2004
“Problem Solve”- Leonardo EU-project paper presented together with Dr. Matt Smith (ITB) at ASET Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 2004
“International Language Projects and their wider context” paper as key note speaker presented at ICT & Language Learning Fair 2016, Dublin, June 2016
“The Stay Abroad Experience: Potential development of Components of Proficiency and Cultural Learning during the Year Abroad” paper at the GSAI annual conference, NUIG, Galway, November 2015;
“The Stay Abroad Experience: A Study of possible transformation of attitudes and identity while being abroad” paper at 3rd Maynooth International Youth Studies Conference - Youth on the Move, Maynooth, June 2015;;
“On-line Language Learning and Cultural Preparation for Residence Abroad – VOCAL” paper at the Goethe-Institute Dublin workshop, June 2015, Dublin;
“The Stay Abroad Experience: A Study of the Development of Components of Proficiency and Cultural Learning during the Year Abroad” paper at The Language Experience Abroad seminar at the Language Fair 2015, Filmbase, Dublin, June 2015;
“Breaking Barriers and Building Relationships” paper together with Miranda Cournane and Angie Bailey at the Social Care Ireland conference, Sligo, March 2015;
“Project Participation and Research” presentation about the ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages) at the NA Léargas ECML seminar, Dublin, March 2015;
“The importance of foreign language learning in second and third level education in Ireland” paper at DAAD conference, NUIG, Galway, February 2015
“Subjective perspectives on intercultural learning: English as a foreign language in Ireland” paper together with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire and Helen Kelly at NUIM International Conference Foreign Language Learning as Intercultural Experience: The Subjective Dimension, Maynooth, August 2013
“Linguistic and cultural reflections on study abroad contexts” paper presented with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire and Helen Kelly at 5th AILA – Europe Junior Researcher Conference, TCD Dublin, June 2013;
“Argumente für’s Sprachenlernen” paper at Business German conference, at Goethe-Institute Dublin, Dublin, May 2013;
“Mobility & languages: Arguments for Multilingualism” paper presented at the HEA (Higher Education Authority) – Erasmus Department – conference on “Language & Mobility”,; Dublin, December 2012
“Argumente für Deutsch in Irland” paper at the Sommerseminar at the Goethe-Institute Dublin, Dublin, July 2012;
“Current demand in Ireland for language skills” paper at IoTs (Institutes of Technology) Languages Strategy Network, 14th meeting, ITB, Dublin, May 2012
“Language Matters - es weht ein neuer Wind” paper at the Business German conference, NUIG, Galway, March 2012,
“Students as citizens of the world - the Study Abroad Experience” paper at Postgraduate Conference Department of German, UCC, Cork, May 2011
“IoTs Languages Strategy Network” ( presentation together with Dr. Riana Walsh and Dr. Ruth Harris for the European Language Label (shortlisted by Léargas), ITB, Dublin, May 2011
“Presentation of the IoTs Languages Strategy Network” at the Association of Spanish Teacher’s annual conference, Dublin, October 2011
“Virtual Learning Environments supporting On-line Language Learning and Cultural Preparation for Residence Abroad” paper together with Dr. Riana Walsh, HEA (Higher Education Authority) International Conference, CIT, Cork, December 2010
“VOCAL: On-line Language Learning and Cultural Preparation for Residence Abroad” paper presented together with Dr. Riana Walsh at the 1st International Language Conference, NUI Galway, December 2010
“Optimising Virtual Learning Environments supporting on-line Language Learning and Cultural Preparation for Residence Abroad” paper presented together with Dr. Riana Walsh, 1st International Language Conference, Translation, Technology and Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning, NUI Galway, December 2010
“Irish Learners of German as L3: Self-knowledge, Linguistic and Intercultural Developments during the Study Abroad Period” paper presented together with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire, 1st International Language Conference, Translation, Technology and Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning, NUI Galway, December 2010
“LdV Vocal project” presentation at the Meeting of International and Placement Officers, organized by the HEA (Higher Education Athority), CIT, Cork, December 2010
Presentation on the latest trends for German Studies in Ireland and another presentation on the current developments in the EU Commission in relation to language policy, ATLTGI (Association of Third Level Teachers of German in Ireland), DIT, Dublin, November 2010;
“Intercultural Learning in the Study Abroad Context” paper presented together with Dr. Muiris Ó Laoire, Intercultural Competence Conference, NUI Maynooth, September 2010
“Vocal LdV project” presentation in German at the Annual Business German Colloquium - the Business German in Ireland Working Group, Goethe Institut, Dublin, March 2010;
“On-line Language Learning and Cultural Preparation for Residence Abroad – VOCAL” presentation at Léargas Information Workshop for LdV Transfer of Innovation and Partnership Projects – Call 2010, Dublin, November 2009;
“Language Policy and Language Learning” presentation together with Dr. Riana Walsh at the IRAAL Conference, Overcoming obstacles in the design and implementation of LPs in the tertiary sector, UL, Limerick, June 2009;
“Development of components of proficiency during the year abroad: a comparative study” presentation at the Postgraduate conference at MIC, Limerick. May, 2009
“Vocal LdV project” presentation together with Dr. Riana Walsh at the EdTech conference in Dublin – EdTech 2020 Vision: Changing Learning Futures through Technology, NCI, Dublin, May 2009
“Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Projects: The VOCAL Project”. Poster presented together with Dr. Riana Walsh at LIN (Learning Innovation Network), Athlone, October 2008
“PBL (Problem Based Learning) case study” presentation at the PBL Summer School, UCD, June 2008
“Development of components of proficiency during the year abroad: a comparative study” presentation at the Postgraduate conference at IRAAL Symposium, UCD, May 2008;
Presentation given at the RIA Committee for Modern Language, Literary and Cultural Studies meeting about the “IoTs Languages Strategy Network” as a co-founder, Dublin, February 2008
Presentation given about my PhD research at NUI Maynooth Research Colloquium, April 2007
“IoTs language policy & planning network” presentation together with Dr. Riana Walsh at the meeting of Head of Schools of Business Studies in the IoT sector, Carlow, December 2006
“IoTs language policy & planning network” presentation at conference by Third Level Association of German Teachers in Ireland, Galway, October 2006;
“Example of a Language module in German” presentation at the Business German in Ireland seminar at the Goethe Institut, Dublin, November 2005;
Examples of presentations of my PhD thesis at: