For all the up to date info! on Societies click on the Societies Website:
Welcome back to the IT Tralee, I hope you all had a great summer. For those of you just entering the college 'Welcome'. Now down to the real business - SOCIETIES!!!!
Now I know those students who have been involved in Societies in the past will agree with me when I use the following words to describe Societies: worthwhile, fantastic, entertaining, social, intellectual, fun, laughter, friendships, new skills, more fun, more laughter etc etc.......Would you agree????
So this year, I hope to see as many students as possible wash away these Winter and Recession blues by joining a Society....
In the words of a past Society member "you've got to make things happen, and that's what Societies do, they make things happen and they change the landscape and the mindscape of attending IT Tralee" Ray Cuddihy, Interactive Multimedia Graduate 2009
Monday and Tuesday - D Block (D110) in the South Campus
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - Q108 on the North Campus (in the Student Services Building)
Tel: 066 7191782 (North Campus)
Ext/Red Phones: 1782