The Examinations Office is responsible for the central administration of the end of term or final semesterised examinations.
The services include:
The Exams Office is located in Room U116 (first door on the right inside the main entrance) of the Business IT Building, North Campus, Dromtacker, Tralee.
Contact Details:
Telephone: 066 7145640
Important examination dates are available here Academic Calendar.
When provisional results are released, you can find them in your student MyBan account.
Use your Student Number and PIN (emailed to you from and select the current academic year (eg: 2024/2025)
What you will find on your Provisional Examination Results:
You can see your final result in each of the modules examined and overall academic standing. You may also find comments or instructions from a Lecturer/School or Department in relation to a module. We advise you to follow up on the comments or instructions accordingly.
Students who wish to request a recheck/review of the results of Summer Examinations Academic Year 2024/25 should submit Form E1, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.7 of the Institute Rights and Responsibilities by no later than 5.00 pm Thursday 12th June 2025.
To apply for a recheck or review in this examination session, students must complete the online Review Recheck Form E1 application. After the closing date for forms to be submitted, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay the appropriate fee online. E1 forms will not be processed fully until fee is paid.
Please complete the sections of the form as they apply to you, one module per form.
The University treats all information provided with strict confidence.
Download: Examinations Review Recheck Information
Before you start, please note that if you have sought support from a professional registered contractor or authority (e.g. doctor, counsellor, nurse, chaplain, garda), you should download the Professional Opinion Form and follow the instructions to complete and submit with your Review Recheck Form E1. Professional Opinion Form
If you have other supporting documentary evidence e.g. Medical Certs, Death Notice/Cert, details of communication between you and your lecturer(s)/Head of Department/Student Support Services on the issue, you should attach and submit as part of your Review Recheck Form E1.
All supporting documentation should be saved as a pdf or clear jpg so that you can upload with your online REVIEW RECHECK FORM E1
Whether applying for a Recheck (1.1) or Review (1.2), as well as your student details, you will need to have ready the module name, module CRN, date of examination and the Lecturers name. If applying for Review (1.2), you must specify valid grounds for the review. If applying under compassionate circumstances, you must explain why these circumstances were not brought to the attention of the original Examination Board and attach supporting documentation. All supporting documentation should be saved as a pdf or clear jpg so that you can upload with your online REVIEW RECHECK FORM E1.
A recheck consists of a check of the recording and compilation of marks.
A review consists of a re-consideration of the decision by the Examination Board in view of additional information provided by the candidate.
A Statement of Examinations Results is a formal statement of your end of stage examination performance, ratified by Munster Technological University. All students will receive an electronic Statements of Examination Results at the end of each stage of study through a secure online solution product called Parchment.
The electronic document is a web based digitally certified document, electronically signed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Registrar. It can be viewed, printed, downloaded and shared electronically as a digital document with anyone you authorise (e.g. potential employer(s), recruitment agencies, other Higher Education Institutions).
Students/Graduates on their first login should follow the instructions emailed to their student email account.
It is recommended to change login credentials to something easier to remember. Many students connect their Parchment account with another personal account such as Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ or another private email account. To do this, select the down arrow next to your name (top right of screen), select 'profile settings' to view a list of social media sites that you can link to or to add another private email account.
Your email/computer login password will expire after a certain period of time. If you are unable to login using your Student Number and MTU computer account password, then please email
It is important to connect or set up personal access to the Parchment tool using credentials that are easier to remember.
To access and view Statement of Examination Results you can click on the link below using the following instructions:
1. Click on Sign in with your Education Provider;
2. Select MTU Kerry Campus;
3. Type in your username Student Number and MTU Computer Password;
4. On default you may be asked to confirm or change your email to a personal email address;
5. You will see the document grademailer(s) issued to your student account (via your MTU student email account);
6. You can if you wish set your private email to your primary email but remember in your setup to link it with your documents from your MTU email (that is the account we have used to issue your documents.);
7. This is the link: PARCHMENT SIGN IN
Click Graduation for more details about upcoming Conferring Ceremonies.
If you would like to request a copy of provisional results issued to you by post (pre 2017), you should complete an application for Copy of Transcript of Results Request Form.
There is a €10 charge for each copy of transcript requested. Please note that many paper records are stored off-site and may take up to 7-10 days to retrieve, verify and get in the post to you. If you have questions, please contact
Click here to request a copy of your Transcript of Results.
From July 2017, students will receive a digital Statement of Examination Results through Parchment (formerly know as Digitary). Students/Graduates will have received notification via their student email.
The European Diploma Supplement (EDS) is issued to graduates of higher education institutions along with their parchment and transcripts of results. The Diploma Supplement provides additional information regarding the award which is not available on the official certificate (Degree Parchment) such as the skills and competences acquired, the level of the qualification and the results gained, and entry requirements and access opportunities to the next level of education etc. This makes it more easily understood, especially for employers and institutions outside the issuing country. The European Diploma Supplement was developed jointly by UNESCO and the Council of Europe.
The Diploma Supplement is available to all MTU graduates from 2016 onwards. It is issued in english and is given automatically and free of charge to every student after graduation. The Diploma Supplement is available to you via the Parchment online tool.
It is digitally certified and electronically signed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Registrar. It can be shared electronically as a digital document with anyone you authorise (e.g. potential employer(s), recruitment agencies, other Higher Education Institutions).
The first/initial login
Students/Graduates on their first login should follow the instructions emailed to their student email account.
It is recommended to change login credentials to something easier to remember. Many students connect their Parchment account with another personal account such as Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ or another private email account. To do this, select the down arrow next to your name (top right of screen), select 'profile settings' to view a list of social media sites that you can link to or to add another private email account.
Please note that if you are no longer a student of the Munster Technological University, your email/computer login password will expire after a certain period of time. It is important to connect or set up personal access to the Parchment tool using credentials that are easier to remember.